Los macroforammiferos del Coniaciense superior-Santoniense inferior de la Sierra del Montsec (Pirineos, NE de España)distribución estratigráfica y paleoambiental

  1. Carme Boix 1
  2. JosepM. Bernaus 2
  3. E. Caus 1
  1. 1 Departament de Geología (Paleontología), Universität Autónoma de Barcelona
  2. 2 Oolithica Geoscience Limited
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Año de publicación: 2004

Título del ejemplar: IV Congreso Geológico de España

Número: 6

Páginas: 279-282

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geotemas (Madrid)


The Upper Coniacian-Lower Santonian sediments form the Montsec Mountains (Pyrenees, NE Spain) constitute a complete cycle of sedimentation, bounded by erosional surfaces. Within this cycle two complex bar-lagoon systems were identified. Both systems are characterised by one or several bars that separated the open sea from a well developped lagoon colonised by abundant and diversified Larger Foraminifera. Sediments from more external areas deposited in the lagoon (tidal delta and washover deposits) are poor in Larger Foraminifera and/or they are completely broken. From biostratigraphical point of view, the larger agglutinated foraminifera, complex miliolids and canaliculate lamellar perforated rotalids indicate a cycle of global community maduration.