El video bajo demanda en televisióntest de causalidad Granger en los ciclos de vida de un servicio video bajo demanda
- Navia Atienza, Carlos
- Manuel García Goñi Director
- Enrique Bustamante Ramírez Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 29 June 2017
- Hipólito Vivar Zurita Chair
- Julio Larrañaga Rubio Secretary
- Carmen Fuente Cobo Committee member
- Luis Rubalcaba Bermejo Committee member
- Miquel Francés Committee member
Type: Thesis
Broadcast TV still defends its privileged status in the mass media. However, since the opening of the Digital Era and Internet, which allowed the emergence of the OTT services and mostly based on Video On Demand (VOD) functionalities, we are realizing a new brand of audiovisual consumption patterns and severe changes on the old-style economic and organizational foundations of the audiovisual Cultural Industries, as they have been known since the 70’s decade. This thesis gives a dissertation on the impact that the VOD is causing mainly into the audiovisual value chain, market structure, technologies and viewing forms. This is framed with a historical perspective, contrasting the gap between the analogue and digital era, where the VOD sits in the forefront, and finalizes with a prospective analysis of what can be expected in the mid and short term for the audiovisual Cultural Industries. VOD broke the lineal discourse of TV and became an innovative driving audiovisual habit use which brought along renewed opportunities for cultural diversity against the blockbusters tyranny. For several years, as the audiovisual expression of the digital economy, VOD became part of fiery public debates defending and opposing the popular long tail model in the Internet economy. The different declinations of VOD (SVOD, TVOD, AVOD) to monetize the audiovisual cultural goods also caused many critics because of how aggressive they could become commoditized and the lack of attention to protect cultural diversities despite the alleged opportunities raised by the long tail. This dissertation ends with a review of the diverse academic opinions around the long tail paradigm which is applied to a practical case of a large VOD operator that manages a combination of SVOD and TVOD services. We extracted a huge database of views/buys of almost 9 years which was split into three differentiated stages of a typical product lifecycle. We made a causality Granger Test to understand the causal relationships between offer and demand in each lifecycle stage, demonstrating different conclusions per phase. During the launch period the driving variable is the offer, while during the growing stage both variables explain each other and in the maturity stage is the demand which explains the offer. These conclusions suggest very interesting business recommendations to make more efficient decisions on rights acquisition and technological investments.