Las tareas gramaticales en el aprendizaje de ELE de los universitarios coreanosun caso de investigación-acción

  1. Kim, Jieun
Supervised by:
  1. Ana María Ruiz Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2020

  1. Rosa Ana Martín Vegas Chair
  2. Manuel Martí Sánchez Secretary
  3. Dimitrinka G. Níkleva Committee member
  1. Filología, Comunicación y Documentación

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 152895 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Korean students show many difficulties in using Spanish in different communicative situations, even if they have enough grammatical knowledge of the language. By identifying this problem, we propose an alternative grammar methodology, grammar consciousness raising tasks. The objectives of this research are to understand the concept of grammar consciousness raising tasks in depth, to apply them to learn Spanish as foreign language among Korean university students and to check their effects. This doctoral thesis is composed of three main parts: theoretical framework, reviews of the educational contexts and research methods. First, in the theoretical framework, we have examined various general linguistic and psychological theories that underlie the subject of our study, different positions regarding usefulness of the explicit knowledge for non-native languages learning and the concept of grammar consciousness raising tasks. Next, reviewing the educational context acts a bridge that allows theories and practices to be united. In this space, we have delved into the educational stages, in our case, educational environments in South Korea and characteristics of Korean learners of Spanish. In the research methods, we finally covered an empirical research that we carried out. We opted for action research as a study methodology since we consider it facilitates the understanding of the reality under study and helps to both solve practical problems and broaden scientific knowledge. The empirical research consists of applying two grammar teaching methodologies and verifying their effects. On the one hand, studies rooted from teaching through deductive method and teaching based on grammar consciousness raising tasks were conducted to two groups of students of Spanish at the University of Ulsan and, on the other hand, their effects were identified with three types of evaluation: grammatical accuracy, grammatical awareness and communicative competence. The data collected from the empirical research indicate that the teaching based on grammar consciousness raising tasks shows more significant effects than the teaching through deductive method in grammatical accuracy, grammatical consciousness raising, and actual use of the grammatical structures learned. These results lead to conclude that the grammar consciousness raising tasks can be an alternative grammar methodology that facilitates improvement of the communicative competence for Korean learners of Spanish.