Análisis de índices de gravedad en la baja de combateexperiencia del cuerpo militar de sanidad en el conflicto de Afganistán

  1. García Cañas, Rafael
Supervised by:
  1. Ricardo Navarro Suay Director
  2. Javier Arias Díaz Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 06 May 2021

  1. José Luis Balibrea Cantero Chair
  2. Manuel Giner Nogueras Secretary
  3. Natalio García Honduvilla Committee member
  4. Rufino José Losantos Pascual Committee member
  5. Santiago Coca Menchero Committee member

Type: Thesis


This study analyzes and compares the injury severity scores (mISS, mNISS, MCIS-ISS y MCIS-NISS) in the combat casualties attended at the Spanish Role 2 medical treat-ment facility deployed in Herat (Afghanistan) during the period of time between May 1, 2005 and December 31, 2014. The assistance evaluation to trauma patients requires an assessment, through a quan-titative methodology, of the healthcare structure used, the therapeutic management and the patient clinical evolution. Estimating the severity of a casualty is a fundamental element within its care process since it provides useful numerical information to es-tablish a prognosis, mainly in terms of mortality, it will allow us to know the profile of our patients, and thus compare them with those of other institutions, and facilitates research on the results. To standardize this measure of severity, severity scales were designed. Traditionally used in the civilian sphere, in recent years specific injury sever-ity scales have been developed for combat casualties. On the other hand, the term «trauma severity score» is defined as «that system that evaluates, classifies and codes injuries», these scores being considered as numerical classifications, linked to one or more characteristics of the trauma, as part of the result observed in the patient, in which there is a relationship between the increase in the severity of the trauma and an increase in the score. Its use is intended to reduce com-plex injury data to a number that represents the severity level of the patient. Combat casualties represent a challenge for military medicine because they are patients who are typically injured by firearms or explosives, with multiple and complex injuries, in a hostile and austere environment with limited human and material resources. Es-timating the severity of these casualties is a very useful element to take into account in the preparation, planning and deployment of medical support to military operations. The main objective of this study is to determine if there are statistically significant differences in the punctuations of the Injury Severity Score and New Injury Severity Score, using the severity scales Abbreviated Injury Scale 2005-Military and Military Combat Injury Scale...