Metodología de implantación de modelo de gestión del conocimiento estratégico
- José Antonio Gutiérrez de Mesa Director
Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá
Fecha de defensa: 29 November 2016
- Roberto Barchino Plata Chair
- José Amelio Medina Merodio Secretary
- Ana Corrales Sierra Committee member
- Carmen de Pablos Heredero Committee member
- Nelson Piedra Pullaguari Committee member
Type: Thesis
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a particularly important and influential role in the economy of a country. However, despite their undoubted value, in the SME sector, companies display a set of associated IT problems such as a lack of quality management, insufficient training, low investment and poor operations, among other issues that affect the their productivity, competitiveness and overall profit. Additionally there are those companies that fail to effectively implement satisfactory frameworks and standards. With this in mind and as a means to initiate this research, a deep Systematic Literature Review of the issues that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face when trying to ensure their alignment with Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) guidelines was conducted. It is well known that SMEs experience different challenges to those experienced by Large Enterprises, however their demands are the same as larger companies. Given that they have less labor and technological resources, they must optimize their service levels and adapt the activities of their IT departments to the needs of the company without negatively impacting service commitments. The first objective, therefore, was to establish a complete review concerning the important information that exists in relation to ITIL and its use in Small and Medium Enterprises, evaluating methods for the collection of evidence and analysis. It should be noted that whilst it was initially expected that there might be enough information to help validate and interpret the way that ITIL functions for Small and Medium Enterprises, the reality is that there are not many publications of relevance that deal with the topic of ITIL and SMEs. As well as this, there is little evidence regarding maps, manuals or practical guides that can assist in the complete understanding of ITIL. The results found allowed for the establishment of the ultimate goal of this thesis which is the construction of an ITIL v3 Navigation Map with a friendly and easy to understand interface, implemented through the document management system Alfresco Community in order to avoid the use of the comprehensive manuals of ITIL v3 to realize the full study. To achieve this ultimate goal, taking as a basis the evidence of the SLR, all ITIL v3 study was conducted to develop the navigation map; through the first prototype based on the model of IDEF0 Lifecycle ITIL v3 it was possible to understand the controls and mechanisms of the phases of the development cycle of ITIL. From this point, it was then possible to proceed with the development of the ITIL v3 Navigation Map. With the creation of the navigation map, the need to implement a tool that would allow for its full utilization and which could follow up on each of the phases involving ITIL, and through all the processes thereof, was raised with the goal that it could achieve a full implementation of ITIL. Based on these needs, the tool best adapted for this process was pinpointed as the document management system Alfresco free software in the version of Alfresco Community. It proved very versatile upon the addition of ITIL process maps in Alfresco Community because it helps with validation and facilitates the tracking of the ITIL Lifecycle, informing users of necessary processes and of what is required and what is lacking for an ITIL implementation to be completed. Finally it is worth emphasizing that all development of the ITIL v3 Navigation Map and its inclusion in Alfresco Community was done, in particular with SMEs in mind, as they are the companies which have major problems when trying to manage their services. It is believed that these mechanisms will be of great help in the future to SMEs, with a process that suits needs and at the same time is attached to best practice IT, allowing for the management of services and maximizing the value of key services whilst, at the same time, minimizing risk.