Factores asociados a los resultados. Prueba de selección universitaria en liceos municipales, de la provincia del Cachapoal, Chile

Supervised by:
  1. Mario Martín Bris Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 19 September 2017

  1. Carme Armengol Asparó Chair
  2. Mirian Checa Romero Secretary
  3. Jorge Catalán Ahumada Committee member
  1. Ciencias de la Educación

Type: Thesis


This research intends to give an account of the state of certain factors that are associated to the results obtained in the test of selection to the universities, in municipal establishments of five communes of the Province of Cachapoal, territorial subdivision of the Republic of Chile. Following this purpose underlies the claim to account for the general factors involved in educational quality. The objectives are fulfilled through the description, the student, the supports and resources that receives from the family, the state of the school social climate, the teacher and their performance. To the above, we add, the determination of the factors associated with the results in the PSU and the exploration of the understanding of meanings that managers and teachers have about the student, family, teachers, among others. It has mixed design method. The predominant quantitative fragment is complemented with the qualitative fragment. The quantitative part has correlational, transectional sub-design, this assumes the descriptive sub-descriptions present in the research and the qualitative part has an ethnographic sub-particularistic design. The quantitative fragment has meant the construction of two instruments, intended to collect information, from students and teachers. The qualitative fragment includes interviews with teachers and managers, from them the exploration of the understanding of meanings is carried out. There are several findings, among the most relevant, the empirical association between the results of sub-tests language, mathematics and the average grade of middle school. Another finding is that families have a strong control of grades, in contrast, with poor control of the process. That a percentage close to half of the students has repeated course and a percentage near 60% never received recognition, neither award, nor official incentive for its performance. After twelve years of schooling, he was not officially told that he had done something well. Another finding is that teachers try to mediate so that students can conceive in their expectations the possibility of studying at the university, such frequent and repeated act leads to the idea that one of the facets of the role of teachers is to expand expectations and mediate that students they conceive closer to the university.