Incidencia del marco normativo e institucional de la descentralización de la educación en la autonomía de gestión de los establecimientos de educación municipal de San Felipe, Chile

Supervised by:
  1. Mario Martín Bris Director
  2. Juan Pablo Catalán Cueto Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2017

  1. Tomás Sola Martínez Chair
  2. Mirian Checa Romero Secretary
  3. Marina Alvelais Alarcón Committee member
  1. Ciencias de la Educación

Type: Thesis


According to the qualitative methodology, this research work, was positioned from an interpretive perspective to analyze the leadership function in the process of school management of municipal education, specifically, from the need to understand the perception that principals have to the impact of the normative and institutional framework, on the education decentralization and autonomy in management of municipal schools in San Felipe, Chile. To achieve the aim of this study, a multiple cases study design was used, with semistructured interviews as devices of compilation of the information, to carry out next the analysis and interpretation of the meanings through the use of a hermeneutic triangulation process that facilitated to come to conclusions by levels, from the different strata; Schools, High Schools and Direction of Municipal Education Administration, that finally alowed us to concluying that, the normative and institutionality in use, restricts the support and context that requires the municipal education, which, causes which the changes and the improvement, come at to depend on the will of the people who lead schools, thus limiting itself, the possibility of impact of educational policy innovations.