Interpretación telefónicade la teoría a la práctica. Y su comparación con la interpretación presencial (chino y español)
- Li, Jing
- Carmen Valero Garcés Directora
- Yu Zeng Codirector/a
Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá
Fecha de defensa: 30 de de juny de 2020
- Shiru Chang President/a
- Carmen Pena Díaz Secretària
- Emilia Iglesias Fernández Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
Telephone interpretation is a language assistance service that first appeared in Australia with the purpose of facilitating communication, as the country's immigrant community grew. Through the progress of globalization and internationalization, the demand for telephone interpretation has been growing significantly, generating the need for more complete and structured service. As its name implies, telephone interpretation is an interpretive activity conducted on telephone, through a non-faceto-face communication, and is generally bilateral. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to conduct a study on telephone interpretation, through a comparison to face-to-face interpretation, focusing on Chinese-Spanish languages. Is there any difference between telephone and face-to-face interpretation? Is the difference only conceptual or also practical? Is specific professional telephone interpreter training necessary? This study is developed from above questions, with the application of qualitative investigation of a corpus of recordings in the Chinese-Spanish combination, as well as quantitative investigation based on questionnaire to a large number of interpreters working on languages that are objects of this study. The analysis, results and conclusions will allow us to acquire new perspectives in the study of telephone interpretation.