HW/SW Co-design of the Instrument Control Unit for the Energetic Particle Detector on-board Solar Orbiter

  1. Sánchez, S.
  2. Prieto, M.
  3. Polo, Ó.R.
  4. Parra, P.
  5. Da Silva, A.
  6. Gutiérrez, Ó.
  7. Castillo, R.
  8. Fernández, J.
  9. Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.
Advances in Space Research

ISSN: 0273-1177

Année de publication: 2013

Volumen: 52

Número: 6

Pages: 989-1007

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.ASR.2013.05.029 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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