Cambio estructural regional y aguaescasez, dependencia e impactos sobre el tejido económico. El caso de Andalucía

  1. Pérez Blanco, Carlos Dionisio
  2. Gómez Gómez, Carlos Mario
  3. Garrido Yserte, Rubén
Estudios de economía aplicada

ISSN: 1133-3197 1697-5731

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakien izenburua: Economía del agua

Alea: 28

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 423-446

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudios de economía aplicada


Water is a key input in the production of many goods and services, and its scarcity might become a critical limiting factor in regional development. Water management in Spain has historically prioritized supply increases at the expense of further degradations in the resource base and has disregarded the managing of water demand and efficiency. The paper aims at analyzing the economic importance of water use in Andalusia (Spain) and showing the lack of productivity in the main water consumer .irrigation land (86% of total demand) by using the HEM methodology. It also explores explore the importance of market instruments both to promote sustainability and change the current growth model.

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