Análisis informatizado de erroresENWIL

  1. Cerdá Redondo, Esperanza
  2. Mancho Barés, Guzmán
  3. Valero Garcés, Carmen
  4. Flys Junquera, Carmen
Sintagma: Revista de lingüística

ISSN: 0214-9141

Year of publication: 2000

Volume: 12

Pages: 49-59

Type: Article

More publications in: Sintagma: Revista de lingüística

Sustainable development goals


The analysis of errors committed in second language communication can illustrate the stage of the learner's interlanguage. The application of computer technology to error analysis is useful in overcoming some of the inherent limitations of the classical approach to this SLA descriptive tool. In fact, Computerized Error Analysis (CEA) can facilitate a comprehensive description of each stage of the subjects' interlanguage development. This is precisely the purpose of the English Written Interlanguage project (ENWIL): the computerization of different types of errors commited while writing. This preliminary study compares two interlanguage stages of our subjects on the basis of their degree of communicative efficiency and grammatical accuracy and how these develop. This ENWIL project, together with others such as ICLE or COALA, illustrate that CEA is an active and fast developing area of research.