Reflexiones sobre el crecimiento, el medio ambiente y la pobreza

  1. Sotelsek Salem, Daniel Federico
  2. Ahamdanech Zarco, Ismael
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Datum der Publikation: 2008

Titel der Ausgabe: Retos y oportunidades para el sistema productivo español

Nummer: 367

Seiten: 153-166

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Economía industrial


The purpose of this essay is to reflect on poverty, inequality, growth and sustainability in a context in which these variables influence each other. This paper explores firstly the relationship between wealth and environment and secondly, the income and inequality effects on poverty levels. Moreover, this framework can be associated to a particular geographic context. The first section analyses the issues linking growth and environment by means of the sustainable growth concept. In the second section, the relationship among poverty, growth and inequality, its causes and effects are discussed. The third section illustrates this reflection with an empirical exercise for Spanish regions.