Innovación educativavaloración de las competencias específicas en las asignaturas de dirección y organización en el grado de ciencias del deporte

  1. Espada Mateos, María
  2. Campos Izquierdo, Antonio
  3. González Rivera, María Dolores
  4. Calero Cano, José Carlos
EA, Escuela abierta: revista de Investigación Educativa

ISSN: 1138-6908 2603-5928

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Nummer: 13

Seiten: 115-136

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: EA, Escuela abierta: revista de Investigación Educativa


Abstract: In the framework of the European Higher Education Area there exists an intention to connect the labor market with competence-based education. In this context, an innovative educational project subsidized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has been carried out. The main objective is to get lecturers of the different core subjects in management and organization of physical activity and sport in Sports Science degree to learn, be involved, conceptualize and reflect on the competencies. In this study the results obtained about the specific competencies are presented and discussed.