Do unemployment benefit legislative changes affect job finding?evidence from the spanish 1992 UI reform act

  1. Arranz Muñoz, José María
  2. Muñoz Bulló, Fernando
  3. Muro, Juan
Papeles de trabajo del Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. Serie economía

ISSN: 1578-0252

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 13

Pages: 3-59

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de trabajo del Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. Serie economía

Sustainable development goals


Using a rich administrative dataset on unemployment insurance benefit recipients, the current work analyses the Spanish 1992 Reform Act implemented to reduce the generosity of the unemployment compensation system –in particular, a decrease in the level of unemployment insurance benefits and in entitlement duration. For this purpose, we compare unemployment insurance exit rates for two large sub-samples of individuals: the first sub-sample includes those who started receiving unemployment insurance benefits in 1991 (the pre-reform sub-sample) and the second sub-sample includes those who did so during 1993 (the post-reform sub-sample). Results indicate that these legislative changes had a positive though modest effect on individuals’ exit rate from unemployment: the 10-percent decrease in unemployment insurance benefit levels was associated with a 5-percent increase in the transition rate out of unemployment, while the reduction implemented in the potential unemployment insurance duration implied a 2-percent increase in the hazard rate out of unemployment.