Dinámica de la vegetación actual y aplicación de su espectro polínico en la reconstruc ción de la paleovegetación en la Sierra de la Paramera (Ávila, España).

  1. Andrade Olalla, Antonia
  2. Ruiz Zapata, María Blanca

ISSN: 0213-683X

Argitalpen urtea: 1992

Zenbakia: 13

Orrialdeak: 7-12

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta


In this study we will show pollinic data of the present spectra of several transects carried out in the mountain range 'Sierra de la Paramera', situated in the province of Avila. These data reflect the variations in the behavior of vegetation due to the difference in altitude (samples found from 1,000 m. to 1,900 m., approximately), the topography of the area, and types of existent covering vegetation, which condition their influence on pollen representation. These transects were carried out according to two principal directions of the mountain range: North-South, perpendicular to the dominant direction of the wind, and East-West, parallel to the same wind that permits definition of potentiality of pollen transport. Likewise, samples were collected in sites of periglacial dominance, almost without human directed influence, and surrounding populated areas in order to observe the differences between these samples