Google Search+ Your World ¿Búsqueda Social o Asocial?
- Serrano Mascaraque, Esmeralda
- Pintado- Grande, Rosa
ISSN: 1575-9733
Year of publication: 2012
Issue Title: V Seminario internacional de archivos sonoros y audiovisuales (16-18 noviembre 2011)
Issue: 23
Pages: 115-127
Type: Article
More publications in: Cuadernos de documentación multimedia
The dynamism of the web brings with it an evolution in the search and retrieval of information, trying to approach the social character of these. The proliferation of social networking is the main cause of the versatility, dispersion and transient nature of the information on the web. Collective intelligence which labels this new era, creates the appearance of new recovery tools like Google's new search engine that offers a social recovery and the incipient changes in the algorithm for its search engine to make it more semantic. And finally, demand certain professional profiles able to manage this new information
Bibliographic References
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