Los puestos de dirección en el ámbito deportivoRevisión de las teorías y estudio sobre el caso de la mujer

  1. Gallardo Pérez, Jana María
  2. González Tirados, Rosa María
  3. Clemente Remón, Ángel Luis
  4. Santacruz Lozano, José Antonio
  5. Espada Mateos, María
  1. Tortosa Martínez, Juan (coord.)
  2. Vega Ramírez, Lilyan (coord.)

ISSN: 1696-8166 1989-9998

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Zenbakien izenburua: Mujeres, activida física, deporte y ocio

Zenbakia: 21

Orrialdeak: 91-115

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.14198/FEM.2013.21.06 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Feminismo/s

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Since decades, the professional career of women and their access to decision-making positions has gained relevance as a phenomenon of study. This article will provide the discovery of different studies on the various features and attitudes that impede, limit or prevent the access of women to achieve the maximum employment potential that want to get in the organizations and entities of the labour market, and specifically in the field of physical activity and sport. The methodology used in this study is trasversal and quantitative with a final sample of (N = 401). By way of conclusion of the analyzed literature, it could highlight that job opportunities, access or the promotion of women within an organization or entity are influenced by personal characteristics, i.e., the reconciliation of work, family and home.

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