El Exiliode la punición doméstica a la punición estatal

  1. Juan Antonio Bueno Delgado
Revista General de Derecho Romano

ISSN: 1697-3046

Any de publicació: 2015

Número: 24

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista General de Derecho Romano


The oldest form of exile we know in ancient Rome must be placed in primitive Roman society or rather in the family and the gens, not exactly in the public law. Only later was exile gradually understood as a legal punishment, graduated into different levels according to the seriousness of the punishable behaviour. The link between the punishment within the family and the criminal view of exile as a punishment is a not well known figure based on the coercive power of magistrates: the interdictio aquae et igni. When the political power became A guarantee of rights and liberties of the individual and the exile appears as a consequence of a legal procedure that culminates with a condemnatory sentence, in such a moment the exile ceased being an individual way to dodge a condemnation and became an actual punishment. From this moment on indeed both the interdictio aquae et igni and the other forms of exile (relegatio, deportatio) co-existed.

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