Del pasado romano al Pirî Reispuertos y ciudades hispanas del Mediterráneo antiguo y medieval

  1. Alejandro Martín López
  2. Pilar Diarte Blasco
Salduie: Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología

ISSN: 1576-6454 2794-0055

Année de publication: 2013

Número: 13-14

Pages: 101-116

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Salduie: Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología


Historic ports on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula are now ports and port cities inhabited and in operation. Unfortunately, we only have circumstantial and scarce archaeological information, restricted in the immediate vicinity of the port. However, we have the exceptional work/book of Piri Reis, in his edition of 1526 (the first edition of 1521 is less interesting), as it describes each and every one of the ports on the Mediterranean coast. Piri Reis -the Turkish admiral’s work- describes in great detail many of the most important harbors and anchorages on the coast. Anyway, we do not use only the Piri Reis. To perform the study of Spanish ports, we use as the main tools archaeological findings and historical documentation of medieval archives. In this way, we will be able to understanding the evolution of a port as the key to understanding the anatomy of the coastal cities from Antiquity to the Middle Ages