"Los dos perezosos" (ATU 1950) de Juan Ruiz y la tradición oral diula de Costa de Marfiltraducción, transmisión, tradición
- Awa Traoré 1
- José Manuel Pedrosa 2
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad de Alcalá
ISSN: 1540-5877
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 28
Pages: 643-699
Type: Article
More publications in: eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies
The translation / transmission / tradition of folkloric discourse follows very different rules, marked by openness and dynamism, in relation to the specific rules of written translation. This article looks at the story of “The Two Lazy Suitors” of the "Libro de buen amor" both in diachronic and synchronicperspectives, from the Middle Ages to the Internet age, and in its diffusion across multiple cultures. The African versions of the folktale are of importance, as they are much more extensive and complex than the European ones.