Available and missing data to model impact of climate change on European forests
- Ruiz-Benito, P.
- Vacchiano, G.
- Lines, E.R.
- Reyer, C.P.O.
- Ratcliffe, S.
- Morin, X.
- Hartig, F.
- Mäkelä, A.
- Yousefpour, R.
- Chaves, J.E.
- Palacios-Orueta, A.
- Benito-Garzón, M.
- Morales-Molino, C.
- Camarero, J.J.
- Jump, A.S.
- Kattge, J.
- Lehtonen, A.
- Ibrom, A.
- Owen, H.J.F.
- Zavala, M.A.
Ecological Modelling
ISSN: 0304-3800
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Alea: 416
Mota: Artikulua