Synthesis of high nuclearity cluster alkynes under mild reaction conditions; the x-ray crystal structures of [Os66(CO) 17(μ-H)(μ4-η-CCEt)], [Os6(CO) 17(μ4-η2-HCCEt)], and [Os 6(CO)16(μ3-η-MeCCEt)]

  1. Gomez-Sal, M.P.
  2. Johnson, B.F.G.
  3. Kamarudin, R.A.
  4. Lewis, J.
  5. Raithby, P.R.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications

ISSN: 0022-4936

Argitalpen urtea: 1985

Orrialdeak: 1622-1625

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1039/C39850001622 GOOGLE SCHOLAR