Elaborated study of Cu(II) carbosilane metallodendrimers bearing substituted iminopyridine moieties as antitumor agents

  1. Carloni, R.
  2. Sanz del Olmo, N.
  3. Canonico, B.
  4. Montanari, M.
  5. Ciacci, C.
  6. Ambrosi, G.
  7. de la Mata, F.J.
  8. Ottaviani, M.F.
  9. García-Gallego, S.
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 1768-3254 0223-5234

Any de publicació: 2021

Volum: 215

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.EJMECH.2021.113292 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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