Essays on economic geography and migration

  1. Cristóbal Campoamor, Adolfo
Supervised by:
  1. Klaus Desmet Director

Defence university: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 30 May 2008

  1. Juan José Dolado Chair
  2. Diego Puga Pequeño Secretary
  3. Dilip Mookherjee Committee member
  4. Gino Gancia Committee member
  5. Georges Siotis Committee member

Type: Thesis


The thesis consists of three chapters. The first one ("International Convergence and Local Divergence") and the third one ("Trade and Migration: a U-shaped Transition in Eastern Europe") are economic-geography models that study the relation between international trade openness and the location of productive factors, with the subsequent implications for welfare and convergence. The second chapter ("Skill-Upgrading and the Saving of Immigrants") develops a dynamic model of saving and human-capital accumulation with two types of skills in order to explain how unskilled migration may increase the amount of funds devoted to financing higher education among natives