MDFacesAn intelligent system to recognize significant terms in texts from different domains using Freebase

  1. Aparicio Galisteo, Fernando
  2. Muñoz Gil, Rafael
  3. Buenaga Rodríguez, Manuel de
  4. Puertas Sanz, Enrique
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 47

Pages: 317-318

Type: Article

More publications in: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

Sustainable development goals


MDFaces (Multi-Domain Faces) is an intelligent system that allows recognition of relevant concepts in texts, from different domains, and shows detailed and semantics information related to these concepts. For its development, it is have been employed a methodology that uses a general knowledge ontology called Freebase. In particular, we have implemented this methodology for medical and tourism domains.

Bibliographic References

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  • Jonquet, C. N. Shah y M. Musen. 2009. The open biomedical annotator. En AMIA Summit on translational Bioinformatics, pp. 56-60, San Francisco CA
  • Meyer s. , J. Degener, J. Giannandrea y B. Michener. 2010 Optimizing schema-last truple store queries in graphd. En Proceedings of the international conferecne on management of data, ACM Sigmod, pp.1047-1056, Indianapolis, Indiana.