Long-term results of the treatment of complex ureteral stenosis with extra-anatomic ureteral bypasses

  1. Laso-García, I.M.
  2. Lorca-álvaro, J.
  3. Arias-Fúnez, F.
  4. Díaz-Pérez, D.
  5. Santiago-González, M.
  6. Duque-Ruiz, G.
  7. Burgos-Revilla, F.J.
Central European Journal of Urology

ISSN: 2080-4873 2080-4806

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 73

Issue: 2

Pages: 213-219

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5173/CEJU.2020.0008 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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