Líquidos iónicos y ciclodextrinas como selectores quirales para la separación enatiomérica de homocisteína
- Maider Greño Ocáriz
- María Luisa Marina
- María Castro Puyana
- Antonio Guerrero Ortega (coord.)
- Germán Ros Magán (coord.)
- Paloma Ruíz Benito (coord.)
- Francisco Pascual Vives (coord.)
- Cristina Tejedor Martínez (coord.)
- Vanessa Tabernero Magro (coord.)
Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá
ISBN: 978-84-17729-43-1
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 269-276
Congress: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá (7. 2019. Alcalá de Henares)
Type: Conference paper
In the last years, ionic liquids have shown a huge potential in separation techniques due to their extraordinary properties. Those ionic liquids having a chiral center on their structure have been used as chiral selectors in Capillary Electrophoresis. Most works have been devoted to the evaluation of synergistic effects between ionic liquids and different selectors like cyclodextrins. The aim of this study was to investigate the enantiomeric separation of the non-protein amino acid homocysteine by Capillary Electrophoresis with different neutral cyclodextrins and ionic liquids as chiral selectors, and their combinations.