Arte megalítico versus megalitismoorigen del sistema decorativo megalítico

  1. Rodrigo Balbín-Behrmann 1
  2. Primitiva Bueno Ramírez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.
Muitas antas, pouca gente?: Actas do I Colóquio Internacional sobre Megalitismo
  1. Victor S. Gonçalves (coord.)
  2. Ana Catarina Sousa (coord.)
  3. António Marques de Faria (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Português de Arqueologia

ISBN: 972-97903-8-8

Year of publication: 2000

Pages: 283-302

Type: Book chapter


This paper discusses the contemporaneity of the architectonic and decorative design of Iberian megalithic monuments. With this aim, the early literature is reviewed, and recent excavations are analyzed. All the data suggest that the architecture and the decoration were carried out at the same time. On the other hand, these same data demonstrate that the Iberian megalithic decorations did not restrict themselves either to one zone (the Northwest), nor to an isolated architectonic type (the passage monument), nor exclusively to dates from 3000 BC onward, as was considered during the 1980s. Monuments of various types, throughout the Peninsula, were decorated throughout the period of Iberian megalithism, a pattern repeated throughout the rest of the European Atlantic façade.