Evaluación de la accesibilidad y adaptabilidad de objetos de aprendizaje y cursos online a través de estándares y metadatos

Dirixida por:
  1. José Ramón Hilera González Director
  2. Salvador Otón Tortosa Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 27 de marzo de 2023

  1. Antonio Moreira Teixeira Presidente/a
  2. José Amelio Medina Merodio Secretario
  3. Mary Luz Sánchez Gordon Vogal
  1. Ciencias de la Computación

Tipo: Tese


Through the findings, research perspectives and the challenges posed to improve the field of accessibility in the creation, management and evaluation of Learning Objects (LOs), it is relevant to explore the efforts generated by establishing models that promote accessibility. The proposals to mainstream accessibility in virtual education are still complex to apply, however, models, standards and good practices are identified that seek to contribute to the virtual educational process and the design of learning for all. The advantages of a proper implementation of accessibility and adaptability in LOs is not yet a general domain knowledge. This research presents a solution proposal focused on the correct publication of accessibility information through metadata. It seeks to promote the adoption of practices that generate a future direction that can focus on the effective search for educational resources that respond to the needs and preferences of a student with a disability. It is considered that the efforts generated by creating accessible educational material enriches the universality of education. The creation, management and evaluation of accessible LOs achieve synchronization with resources that can be reused. The analysis of case studies places us in the impact of evaluating LOs accessible through metadata. The analyzed findings show the potentiality of its implementation. An important need is established in the generation of tools and techniques that promote their development and strengthen their evaluation and impact. It is considered necessary to establish accessibility guidelines that guide the removal of barriers. It is necessary to maintain an active exploration and investigation of the strengths and weaknesses of accessible educational resources, compatibility with assistive technology. The implementation and socialization of tools that favor the evaluation capacities of accessible LOs. Generate a culture of inclusive design and with it an optimal quality assessment. More research is required on the needs not only of certain disabilities, but in the context of the learning experience, digital skills, platform design, maintenance and inclusion of new features.