Relación del perfil genómico con aspectos clínicos e histológicos del cáncer de mama en la zona 8 de ecuador (2014-2017)
- González-Longoria Boada, Lourdes Beatriz
- Francisco López Muñoz Director/a
Universidad de defensa: Universidad Camilo José Cela
Fecha de defensa: 30 de marzo de 2023
- Carmen González Martín Presidente/a
- María Gaibar Alonso Secretario/a
- Natalio García Honduvilla Vocal
- Jose Manuel Perez Ortiz Vocal
- Eduardo Manuel García Rico Fernández Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
Background and Objective: Mortality due to breast cancer (BC) is a problem that Public Health faces worldwide. The success of the treatment depends largely on the clinic-histological characteristics of the BC. Immunohistochemical (IHC) breast neoplasia subtypes have become a crucial factor in obtaining better results in therapeutic interventions for this disease. These allow establishing prognostic groups, as support in the decision of effective individual treatments. However, there is limited information on the relationship between these aspects and immunohistochemical (IHC) subtypes of cancer. The objective of the study was to determine the relationship, relevance, and prevalence between clinicopathological and histological characteristics with IHC subtypes of BC in Ecuadorian patients. Methodology: A retrospective study was carried out in 199 female patients with a histopathological diagnosis of breast cancer and IHC studies, treated at the Abel Gilbert Ponton Hospital, in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, from January 2014 to December 2017. Results: The mean age of the patients was 56.77 ± 11.96 years. Lymph node metastases were observed in most cases (63.3%). The mean size of the tumor was 3.88 ± 1.61 cm. More than half of the cases (56.8%) presented a moderately differentiated histological grade. Luminal A carcinoma is the most prevalent tumor (53.8%) in the Ecuadorian population. The nodal status presented more frequently with metastases in 1 to 3 axillary nodes (39.7%). Most of the patients presented a tumor size >2 ¿ 5 cm (71.9%) and moderately differentiated specifications (56.8%). The analysis showed a significant association (p<0.0001) between IHC subtypes and clinicopathological and histological characteristics of BC. Conclusions: BC in Ecuadorian patients is diagnosed in advanced stages. The study emphasizes the need to introduce IHC receptor tests in clinical practice to help determine the biology of BC, improve the effect on therapy and the patient's prognosis. The classification of molecular subtypes makes it possible to provide personalized treatments for each tumor subgroup. Molecular subtyping by IHC was found to be clinically useful. Therefore, a standardized and reproducible evaluation of these markers is highly effective for making a therapeutic decision in the treatment of BC, since the resources of the Public Health system are considered, since they are limited and finite.