Household energy demand management

  1. Esther Palomar 1
  2. Ignacio Bravo 1
  3. Carlos Cruz 1
  1. 1 University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain
Energy smart appliances: applications, methodologies, and challenges
  1. Antonio Moreno Muñoz (ed. lit.)
  2. Neomar Giacomini (ed. lit.)

Editorial: John Wiley & Sons (USA)

ISBN: 9781119899457

Año de publicación: 2023

Páginas: 65-92

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


New standards and technologies for building automation systems along with the great proliferation of Internet of things (IoT) devices are enabling residential consumers to make home more energy efficient while providing technical support to the smart grid services. For instance, smart appliances and other connected devices as well as heat storage and local generation units can be controlled by energy management systems according to user preferences and energy market and system signals. This chapter reviews the recent developments of the Information and Communication Technologies that are assisting energy consumers to pursue common goals through cooperation and coordinated behavior towards a reduced carbon footprint, balanced supply and demand, and promoting a behavioral change at home. Relevant energy efficiency programs such as Demand Side Management, Demand Response, and load aggregation are also overviewed from the viewpoint of the enabling technology. Most promising hardware platforms to build a collaborative smart home environment emphasizing cost-effectiveness, compatibility, scalability, and security properties are also described.