Patrones de fiebre de las enfermedades tropicales transmitidas por artrópodos
- Rocío Alberto Jorge 1
- David Avetisyan Akopyan 1
- Álvaro Iglesias Navarro 1
- Jaime Lozano Expósito 1
- Adrián Lozano Ibáñez 1
- Consuelo Giménez Pardo dir. 1
Universidad de Alcalá
- Cuadros González, Juan (dir.)
- Guerrero Vidal, Laura (ed. lit.)
- María Isabel Gegúndez Cámara (dir.)
- Consuelo Giménez Pardo (dir.)
- María Rosario González Palacios (dir.)
- María Mateo Maestre (dir.)
- Lourdes Lledó García (dir.)
- Juan Romanyk (dir.)
Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá
ISBN: 9788417729981
Any de publicació: 2019
Pàgines: 135-148
Tipus: Capítol de llibre
Objective: In this article, we try to establish significant differences between the fever patterns of 11 relevant tropical diseases transmitted by arthropods. Material and methods: It has been made a bibliographic review from databases such as PubMed and Web Of Science in several diseases that were: American trypanosomiasis, Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow fever, Toscana virus, African trypanosomiasis, Relapsing fever, Epidemic typhus, TBEV and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Results and discussion: Despite bibliographic obstacles, data of the fever evolution from all diseases was found. According to this data, diseases were divided between a polyphase pattern and a monophasic one. Further differences between them were mentioned. Conclusions: Were not found significant differences among the fever pattern of these diseases and this makes that fever would not be recommended with a diagnostic mean. We have found a biphasic pattern in diseases caused by viruses from Flaviviridae family.