Patrones de fiebre de las enfermedades tropicales transmitidas por artrópodos

  1. Rocío Alberto Jorge 1
  2. David Avetisyan Akopyan 1
  3. Álvaro Iglesias Navarro 1
  4. Jaime Lozano Expósito 1
  5. Adrián Lozano Ibáñez 1
  6. Consuelo Giménez Pardo dir. 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


Experiencia de innovación docente 3: colección de revisiones de enfermedades infecciosas emergentes y reemergentes
  1. Cuadros González, Juan (dir.)
  2. Guerrero Vidal, Laura (ed. lit.)
  3. María Isabel Gegúndez Cámara (dir.)
  4. Consuelo Giménez Pardo (dir.)
  5. María Rosario González Palacios (dir.)
  6. María Mateo Maestre (dir.)
  7. Lourdes Lledó García (dir.)
  8. Juan Romanyk (dir.)

Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá

ISBN: 9788417729981

Any de publicació: 2019

Pàgines: 135-148

Tipus: Capítol de llibre

Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible


Objective: In this article, we try to establish significant differences between the fever patterns of 11 relevant tropical diseases transmitted by arthropods. Material and methods: It has been made a bibliographic review from databases such as PubMed and Web Of Science in several diseases that were: American trypanosomiasis, Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow fever, Toscana virus, African trypanosomiasis, Relapsing fever, Epidemic typhus, TBEV and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Results and discussion: Despite bibliographic obstacles, data of the fever evolution from all diseases was found. According to this data, diseases were divided between a polyphase pattern and a monophasic one. Further differences between them were mentioned. Conclusions: Were not found significant differences among the fever pattern of these diseases and this makes that fever would not be recommended with a diagnostic mean. We have found a biphasic pattern in diseases caused by viruses from Flaviviridae family.