Unexpected Delayed Incursion of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 (Clade Into the Antarctic Region

  1. Lisovski, S.
  2. Günther, A.
  3. Dewar, M.
  4. Ainley, D.
  5. Aldunate, F.
  6. Arce, R.
  7. Ballard, G.
  8. Bauer, S.
  9. Belliure, J.
  10. Banyard, A.
  11. Boulinier, T.
  12. Bennison, A.
  13. Braun, C.
  14. Cary, C.
  15. Catry, P.
  16. Clessin, A.
  17. Connan, M.
  18. Correia, E.
  19. Cox, A.
  20. Cristina, J.
  21. Elrod, M.
  22. Emerit, J.
  23. Ferreiro, I.
  24. Fowler, Z.
  25. Gamble, A.
  26. Granadeiro, J.
  27. Hurtado, J.
  28. Jongsomjit, D.
  29. Lesage, C.
  30. Lejeune, M.
  31. Kuepfer, A.
  32. Lescroël, A.
  33. Li, A.
  34. McDonald, I.
  35. Menéndez-Blázquez, J.
  36. Morandini, V.
  37. Moratorio, G.
  38. Militão, T.
  39. Moreno, P.
  40. Perbolianachis, P.
  41. Pennycook, J.
  42. Raslan, M.
  43. Reid, S.
  44. Richards-Babbage, R.
  45. Schmidt, A.
  46. Sander, M.
  47. Smyth, L.
  48. Soutullo, A.
  49. Stanworth, A.
  50. Streith, L.
  51. Tornos, J.
  52. Varsani, A.
  53. Herzschuh, U.
  54. Beer, M.
  55. Wille, M.
  56. Show all authors +
Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses

ISSN: 1750-2659 1750-2640

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 18

Issue: 10

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/IRV.70010 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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