Prospective study of the real impact of fusion centered genomic assays in patient management in a national collaborative group: the GETHI-XX-16 study
- Navarro, P.
- Beato, C.
- Rodriguez-Moreno, J.F.
- Ruiz-Llorente, S.
- Mielgo, X.
- Pineda, E.
- Navarro, M.
- Bruixola, G.
- Grazioso, T.P.
- Viudez, A.
- Fuster, J.
- Nogueron, E.
- Mediano, M.D.
- Balaña, C.
- Mendez, C.
- Rodriguez, R.M.
- del Barco Berron, S.
- Gongora, B.
- Carmona-Bayonas, A.
- Garcia-Donas, J.
Clinical and Translational Oncology
ISSN: 1699-3055, 1699-048X
Year of publication: 2024
Type: Article