Aprendizaje basado en proyectos de Diseño Mecánico Avanzadodel diseño conceptual al diseño de fabricación
- I. Valiente-Blanco
- D. Lopez-Pascual
- M. Fernández-Muñoz
- E. Díez-Jiménez
- C. Alén-Cordero
- R. Mallol-Poyato
Publisher: UAM
Year of publication: 2024
Pages: 51-59
Type: Book chapter
This paper presents the experience in the application of the project-based teachingmethodology in the Advanced Mechanical Design course of the Bachelor in IndustrialEngineering of Universidad de Alcalá during 2023/2024 academic year. The students of thissubject faced the detailed design of different complex machines following a rigorousplanification with milestones linked to the maturity in the design stage of said systems. Thestudents put into practice a high number of specific and transversal knowledge and skillsacquired for the execution of the projects.The results of this teaching innovation project demonstrate a clear objective advantage whenit comes to acquiring new skills in the field of mechanical and industrial design andstrengthening other transversal skills that they have acquired throughout their studies