Progresión del frente de hielo en la capa activa del permafrost en la experiencia CALM-S “Crater Lake” (Isla Decepción, Antártida) = Freezing front movement into the permafrost active layer of the CALM-S “crater lake” site

  1. M. Ramos
  2. M.A. de Pablo
  3. A. Molina
  4. G. Vieira
7a. Asamblea Hispano Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica

Publisher: Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi

ISBN: 978-84-941323-1-5

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 727-730

Congress: 7a. Asamblea Hispano Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica

Type: Conference paper


A Stephan problem is a non-linear heat transfer problem in a medium with phase change, allowing the study of the freezing front progression in rich water content soils like those at the CALM-S “crater lake” site in Deception Island. In this place an experience based in the CALM-S (Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring- South) protocol has been installed that includes the record of the maximum thaw that is measured at the end of the polar summer. We have also measured meteorological parameters, snow depth distribution, temperature evolution on the upper permafrost and temperature gradient evolution in two places by means of shallow boreholes. Data analysis permits us to study the energy exchange mechanisms across the soil surface and the importance of the highly variable snow depth distribution which acts like an insulating medium.