Holocene climate–vegetation–land use interactions in the mesomediterranean coastlands of northern Greece

  1. Ganz, K.
  2. van Vugt, L.
  3. Gobet, E.
  4. Morales-Molino, C.
  5. Giagkoulis, T.
  6. Ogi, S.
  7. Hächler, L.
  8. Schaad, E.
  9. Zander, P.D.
  10. Lloren, R.
  11. Dubois, N.
  12. Grosjean, M.
  13. Vogel, H.
  14. Kotsakis, K.
  15. Bogaard, A.
  16. Hafner, A.
  17. Tinner, W.

ISSN: 1477-0911 0959-6836

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1177/09596836241297665 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor