El origen del mito del superhéroe en TikTok. La evolución del personaje en su recorrido por los medios tradicionales y digitales
Universidad de Alcalá
ISSN: 2529-9824
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: Innovando en redes sociales y comunicativas
Issue: 9
Type: Article
More publications in: epsir: European Public & Social Innovation Review
Introduction: This article revisits the superhero myth and focuses on its most iconic figure, Superman, to examine his evolution from early comics to his presence on social media. Methodology: The study uses a dual methodological approach, employing data from Analisa to interpret the phenomenon of Superman's modern digital presence. The latest DC Entertainment series, Superman & Lois, is analyzed as a case study where Superman’s dual hero-human identity acquires new traits that become content shared on social platforms. Results: Findings confirm that the "Superman brand" extends, reshapes, and recomposes itself on platforms like TikTok through follower interactions and comments. Discussion: These interactions reveal Superman as a cultural creation continually reconstructed through digital tools and the content produced by followers. Conclusion: Superman’s transformation on social media platforms like TikTok exemplifies the evolving nature of the superhero myth in response to follower engagement and digital culture.
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