Protocol for flow cytometry immunophenotyping of human antigen-specific T cells by activation-induced marker and Th1 cytokine detection

  1. Rotta, G.
  2. Achille, V.
  3. Bornheimer, S.J.
  4. Duenas, M.
  5. Fernandez, M.
  6. Gatti, A.
  7. Giron, S.H.
  8. Rio, I.M.
  9. Massanella, M.
  10. Jiménez, D.J.
  11. Monserrat, J.
  12. Pfeifer, V.
  13. Pichler, J.
  14. Prietl, B.
  15. Sourij, H.
  16. Uras, C.R.M.
  17. Vlah, S.
  18. Fenoglio, D.
STAR Protocols

ISSN: 2666-1667

Year of publication: 2025

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.XPRO.2024.103343 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor