Javier S.
Morales Rojas
Javier S. Morales Rojas-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (6)
Exercise benefits on Alzheimer's disease: State-of-the-science
Ageing Research Reviews, Vol. 62
Intradialytic neuromuscular electrical stimulation improves functional capacity and muscle strength in people receiving haemodialysis: a systematic review
Journal of Physiotherapy, Vol. 66, Núm. 2, pp. 89-96
Preventing Alzheimer's Disease: Why Not Targeting the Muscle First?
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
Comment on: “Drinking Strategies: Planned Drinking versus Drinking to Thirst”
Sports Medicine
Is the functional threshold power a valid surrogate of the lactate threshold?
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Vol. 13, Núm. 10, pp. 1293-1298
Physical strategies to prevent disuse-induced functional decline in the elderly
Ageing Research Reviews, Vol. 47, pp. 80-88