Ribeiro Navarrete
Profesor/a Asociado/a
Palacios Marqués
Publicacións nas que colabora con Daniel Palacios Marqués (7)
Impact of extreme weather in production economics: Extracting evidence from user-generated content
International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 260
Business networks and organizational resilience capacity in the digital age during COVID-19: A perspective utilizing organizational information processing theory
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 177
Crowdlending: mapping the core literature and research frontiers
Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 16, Núm. 8, pp. 2381-2411
A synthetic indicator of market leaders in the crowdlending sector
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 27, Núm. 6, pp. 1629-1645
Key factors of information management for crowdfunding investor satisfaction
International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 59
The effect of digitalization on business performance: An applied study of KIBS
Journal of Business Research, Vol. 126, pp. 319-326
Towards a new era of mass data collection: Assessing pandemic surveillance technologies to preserve user privacy
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 167