Juan Rafael
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Catedrático/a de Universidad
Universidad de Extremadura
Badajoz, EspañaPublicacions en col·laboració amb investigadors/es de Universidad de Extremadura (9)
Sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of radical curve parametrizations
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 640, pp. 129-146
A note about rational surfaces as unions of affine planes
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas, Vol. 117, Núm. 2
Covering rational surfaces with rational parametrization images
Mathematics, Vol. 9, Núm. 4, pp. 1-15
Transforming ODEs and PDEs from Radical Coefficients to Rational Coefficients
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 18, Núm. 3
On the existence of birational surjective parametrizations of affine surfaces
Journal of Algebra, Vol. 501, pp. 206-214
Algebraic and algorithmic aspects of radical parametrizations
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 55, pp. 1-14
Covering rational ruled surfaces
Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 86, Núm. 308, pp. 2861-2875
Algebraic aspects of radical parametrizations
XV Encuentro de Álgebra computacional y aplicaciones: EACA 2016
First steps towards radical parametrization of algebraic surfaces
Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 30, Núm. 4, pp. 374-388