Publications (48) José Manuel Lanza Gutiérrez publications View referenced research data.


  1. Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Education

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland)


  1. Bindi: Affective Internet of Things to Combat Gender-Based Violence

    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 9, Núm. 21, pp. 21174-21193

  2. Edge computing design space exploration for heart rate monitoring

    Integration, Vol. 84, pp. 171-179


  1. A Novel Data Processing Technique for Expert Resonant Nano-Pillars Transducers: A Case Study Measuring Ethanol in Water and Wine Liquid Matrices

    IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 129778-129788

  2. An embedded cascade SVM approach for face detection in the IoT edge layer

    Proceedings: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

  3. Data Science and AI-Based Optimization in Scientific Programming

    Scientific Programming

  4. Embedding principal component analysis inference in expert sensors for big data applications

    Big Data Recommender Systems: Application Paradigms (Institution of Engineering and Technology), pp. 83-105