José Miguel
González-Moro Rodríguez
Profesor/a Asociado/a en CC. de la Salud

Calle Rubio
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Myriam Calle Rubio (8)
Off-label use of inhaled bronchodilators in hospitalised patients in Spain: a multicentre observational study
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Vol. 28, Núm. e1, pp. E23-E28
Characteristics of COPD Patients Managed in Respiratory Medicine Departments in Spain, According to GOLD Groups and GesEPOC Clinical Phenotypes
Archivos de Bronconeumologia, Vol. 54, Núm. 11, pp. 559-567
Medical Care According to Risk Level and Adaptation to Spanish COPD Guidelines (Gesepoc): The Epoconsul Study
Archivos de Bronconeumologia, Vol. 54, Núm. 5, pp. 270-279
A proposal for the withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids in the clinical practice of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Respiratory Research, Vol. 18, Núm. 1
Clinical audit of COPD in outpatient respiratory clinics in Spain: The EPOCONSUL study
International Journal of COPD, Vol. 12, pp. 417-426
The variability of respiratory symptoms and associated factors in COPD
Respiratory Medicine, Vol. 129, pp. 165-172
Variability in adherence to clinical practice guidelines and recommendations in COPD outpatients: A multi-level, cross-sectional analysis of the EPOCONSUL study
Respiratory Research, Vol. 18, Núm. 1
Monitoring breathing rate at home allows early identification of COPD exacerbations
Chest, Vol. 142, Núm. 6, pp. 1524-1529