Publicaciones (40) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Adolescentes o menores de edad?

    Atencion primaria / Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria

  2. Ca-125 as a tumor marker in a patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma [2]

    Medicina Clinica

  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome in HIV patients?


  4. Case 8-2002: Pleural effusion [6] (multiple letters)

    New England Journal of Medicine

  5. Case 8-2002: pleural effusion.

    The New England journal of medicine

  6. Chromosome 9 interstitial deletion in multiple myeloma [3]

    Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics

  7. Claude-Bernard-Horner syndrome secondary to an intra-thoracic toxic multinodular goiter [2]

    Revista Clinica Espanola

  8. Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of recently diagnosed HIV-infected patients (multiple letters) [1]

    Medicina Clinica

  9. Club drugs

    Medicina Clinica

  10. Concurrent positive association between pathological gambling and functional DNA polymorphisms at the MAO-A and the 5-HT transporter genes [1]

    Molecular Psychiatry

  11. Current criteria for lung transplantation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

    Archivos de bronconeumología

  12. Cystic papillary meningioma [1]

    Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology

  13. Diabetes insípida nefrogénica secundaria a nefritis intersticial crónica asociada a tratamiento con mesalazina

    Revista clínica española

  14. Diagnosis of chondroid lipoma by fine-needle aspiration biopsy [2] (multiple letters)

    Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

  15. Diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis [4]


  16. Eccrine porocarcinoma (Malignant Eccrine Poroma) [2] (multiple letters)

    American Journal of Surgical Pathology

  17. Echocardiography performed by physicians outside of echo-labs - Is it possible? [2]

    European Heart Journal

  18. Erratum: Discussion on randomized comparison of long-term losartan versus propranolol in lowering portal pressure in cirrhosis (letter) (Gastroenterology (2002) 122 (1544-1545))


  19. Erratum: Effects of losartan and atenolol on left ventricular mass and neurohormonal profile in essential hypertensives with left ventricular hypertrophy (Journal of Hypertension (2002) 20 (1855-1864))

    Journal of Hypertension

  20. Escorbuto asociado a enfermedad celíaca

    Anales Espanoles de Pediatria