Publications (71) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Acid-suppressive therapy and eosinophilic esophagitis: Friends or foes

    American Journal of Gastroenterology

  2. Alternancia mecánica registrada mediante dp/dt estimado por Doppler

    Revista Espanola de Cardiologia

  3. An unusual aetiology of cervical lymphadenopathy

    Internal Medicine Journal

  4. Angiotensin-receptor blockade, cancer, and concerns

    The Lancet Oncology

  5. Ankle-brachial index measurement in the primary care setting

    Southern Medical Journal

  6. Anti-Cancer Drugs: Editorial

    Anti-Cancer Drugs

  7. Aproximacin al linfedema


  8. Aquagenic keratoderma: Successful treatment with botulinum toxin

    Dermatologic Surgery

  9. Atypical Parkinsonism with apraxia and supranuclear gaze abnormalities in type 1 Gaucher disease. Expanding the spectrum: Case report and literature review

    Movement Disorders

  10. Biopsia renal ecodirigida


  11. Cardiovascular protection with candesartan in patients with metabolic disorders

    Hypertension Research

  12. Chancro sifilítico en el labio: una localización poco frecuente

    Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica

  13. Chronic verrucous varicella zoster skin infection in a lung transplant recipient

    European Journal of Dermatology

  14. Clonal evolution in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Leukemia and Lymphoma

  15. Combined therapy: The future has already come

    Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology

  16. Comments on: Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji associated with chronic lymphatic leukaemia (Eur J Dermatol 2009; 19(4): 396-7)

    European Journal of Dermatology

  17. Crecimiento secuencial de hematoma cerebral tras hemodiálisis


  18. Crisis hipercalcémica como primera manifestación del hiperparatiroidismo primario en la adolescencia

    Cirugia Espanola

  19. Cystic lesions associated with rhinophyma treated with an ablative fractional yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet laser

    Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy

  20. Diagnostic and therapeutic protocol of lymphedema: Informed consent
