Capítulos de Libro (7) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Applied organometallics: Cp∗Co(iii)-catalysed C-H functionalisation as a maturing tool for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds

    Organometallic Chemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 186-228

  2. Bicyclic 5-6 Systems: Four Heteroatoms 3:1

    Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry IV (Elsevier), pp. 395-418

  3. Electrosíntesis orgánica sostenible

    Aplicaciones medioambientales y energéticas de la tecnología electroquímica (Reverté), pp. 47-68

  4. Investigación en nuevos fármacos frente a COVID-19

    COVID-19: un enfoque plural (Universidad de Alcalá), pp. 81-104

  5. Metal-organic frameworks and their derived materials in water purification

    Nanomaterials for Water Treatment and Remediation (CRC Press), pp. 371-408

  6. Polymerization of terpenes and terpenoids using metal catalysts

    Advances in Organometallic Chemistry (Academic Press Inc.), pp. 55-93

  7. Recent developments in the chemistry of BN-aromatic hydrocarbons

    Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry (Academic Press Inc.), pp. 197-259