Análisis de la web y usabilidadprueba de funcionamiento de "mbot webcrawler"

  1. Blázquez Ochando, Manuel
  2. Serrano Mascaraque, Esmeralda
20 años del Capítulo Español de ISKO: actas del XX Congreso ISKO-España. Ferrol, 30 de junio - 1 de julio de 2011
  1. Pérez Pais, Carmen (ed. lit.)
  2. González Bonome, María de los Ángeles (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-535-6

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 471-484

Congress: Sociedad Internacional para la Organización del Conocimiento. Capítulo Español. Congreso (10. 2011. Ferrol)

Type: Conference paper


This research has as primary goal the development of a new web analysis application, called mbot, that may help in the cybermetric studies and specially in the obtaining of data about the documental typology contained in a given knowledge area in the Web, its distribution or stratification according to the different analysis levels used, total amount of sites, domains and pages analyzed and size or volume of contents. To prove its operational capabilities we have run several trials, among which we want to underline the exhaustive analysis of two international research centres: ESA and NASA. In both cases we have extracted and quantified all available information, in order to perform a comparative study of their topography classification, documentary types, resources, links and contents. On the other side the factor usability is taken into consideration, including accessibility and architecture of the web, as long as they have any incidence in the recognition of patterns in the source code of the researched pages.