La cronología del grupo Peninj, al oeste del lago Natrón (Tanzania)revisión de las discordancias bioestratigráficas

  1. Domínguez Rodrigo, Manuel

ISSN: 1131-6993

Année de publication: 1996

Número: 7

Pages: 7-15

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Complutum


In this paper the main results obtained for dating the fossiliferous formations of tire Peninj Group are exposed. Tire similar results drawn from the K-Ar anolysis and tire palaeomognetic and the microfauna studies are shown, contrasting them with those from the analysis of the macrofauna, with which they show some important differences. This is accounted for tire fact that the biostratigraphic sequence of Olduvai has been the only comparative framework so far. After stressing tire need for broadening such framework, bearing tire palaeaecological contex tin mind, the stratigraphic biozonation of Peninj is re-examined by comparing it to tire biostratigraphy of Koobi Fora. The results thus obtained are similar to those drawn fram tire other types of analyses.

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