La pedagogía del cine en la Universidad española

  1. Jurado, José César
  1. Héctor Brioso Santos Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 2007(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 06

  1. José Vicente Saval Presidentea
  2. Paul Quinn-Judge Idazkaria
  3. Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez Kidea
  4. Antonio Fernández Ferrer Kidea
  5. Noel Rivas Bravo Kidea
  1. Filología, Comunicación y Documentación

Mota: Tesia


Objectives: -In the beginning the author states the purpose of this dissertation, that is, to analyze the pedagogy of cinema in the Spanish university. -The author studies the pedagogy of movies in the class. -The author also deals with the question of the way viewers watch movies and become viewers. This involves semiological issues and also communicational issues. Content: In the first chapter, the author deals with preliminary issues. The second section consists of a general view of the way we watch movies. The third section deals with general questions of cinema as a text. The fourth section analyzes the parallels between literature and movies. Cinema as an assembly of images is the theme of the fifth section. Later on, in the sixth section, the author deals with the question of the way viewers watch movies and become viewers. In the next section cinema is dealt with as a multi-disciplinary art, while art and industry are considered as part of the twofold nature of that art. Furthermore, within that industry, the producer, the director and the actors become the three key tasks. In the second chapter, the author analyzes the problem of cinema as an educational issue, which, in turn, reveals as an assembly of two separate issues: education in cinema (a class on cinema); education through cinema (cinema in the class). Within the educational side of movies, there are several points of view, dealt with in this dissertation: -pedagogical issues; -technological education; -teaching cinema in the university -the students and the colleges in which it is taught; -The professor of cinema and his training; -Research, teaching and professional experience; -Cinema in our academic syllabus. The third chapter deals with the structure of the course of cinema. The author of this work points at the main issues that should be considered part of the class syllabus. To start with, he analyzes several introductory books on the subject. Then he reviews the way the course on cinema should be structured in practical and theoretical sessions. He defines the process of movie viewing in the class, together with the evaluation. It is also important to examine the material conditions of the class as well as the technical hardware. The fourth chapter defines movie commentary in the class through several points of view: separating the parts of a movie, the movie structure, point of view and other internal issues. The fifth chapter deals with the history and the geographical aspects of movie making. The author develops this double perspective through several sections: European movies, American movies, Latin-American movies, and so forth. In the next chapter, this dissertation contains an assembly of different complementary sections on practical exercises for the course, the issue of black and white and colour movies, the problem of bibliography and movies for the class, perspectives of creating a movie list for the course, both organized by countries and a historical point of view. Then the author produces some final conclusions of the dissertation (vid. infra) and three separate bibliographical lists. Conclusions: -The author concludes that in the Spanish university classes cinema is a key issue of teaching. Being so, it is necessary to bring about both the question of teaching as such and the question of cinema as such. -Teaching of cinema implies that you can study it by authors and/or by countries, genres, directors or movements. -Modern teaching involves technological issues and pedadogical issues. The combination of both implies a new view of the subject, something indispensable within the context of modern technology development.